Company of heroes 2 cargo truck 2017
Company of heroes 2 cargo truck 2017

company of heroes 2 cargo truck 2017 company of heroes 2 cargo truck 2017

The report was nothing new for environmentalists, who’ve been highlighting cruise lines’ abysmal environmental records since at least the 1990s. According to a 2019 report by a sustainable transport group Transport & Environment, the world’s largest cruise operator, Carnival, emitted 10 times as much sulfur oxide (SO x) in 2017 than all of Europe’s cars combined. The company hopes to have this new species of cruise liner traveling the Norwegian coast by 2030.Ĭruise ships have a dirty secret: they pollute…a lot.Hurtigruten, a Norwegian transport and cruise company, revealed an ambitious design for a zero-emissions cruise liner with retractable "wing sails," 16,000 square feet of solar panels, and 60 megawatt batteries.Cruise ships are notorious greenhouse gas emitters, producing high levels of sulphur oxides, nitrogen oxides, and carbon dioxide.

Company of heroes 2 cargo truck 2017